之前已有WP爱好者制作了一款:mk-letter-avatar 字母头像插件,试了一下很好用,不过打开浏览器开者工具发现产生大量404错误,看了一下源代码,该插件是通过无头像返回404错误,触发onerror事件用自动生成的字母图片替换src图片地址,判断方式不是很合理,如果不是因为个缺点我都想直接拿来用了,如果作者再优化一下,绝对是款优秀实用的插件。
function zm_gravatar_alt($altgravatar) {
if (have_comments()) {
$alt = get_comment_author();
else {
$alt = get_the_author_meta(\'display_name\');
$altgravatar= str_replace(\'alt=\'\'\', \'alt=\'\' . $alt . \'\' title=\'Gravatar for \' . $alt . \'\'\', $altgravatar); return $altgravatar; } add_filter(\'get_avatar\', \'zm_gravatar_alt\');
本文只是自己做个记录,并不是教大家怎么弄这个头像,如果认为这字母头像还不错,请直接使用上面介绍的插件。 展开收缩
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Letter Avatar</h1> <small><strong>用法:</strong></small> <pre> <code><img src="" class="avatar photo" width="256" height="256" alt="星空站长网" color="#c40000"></code> </pre> <img src=\"\" class=\"avatar photo\" height=\"240\" width=\"240\" alt=\"星空站长网\" color=\"#c40000\" /> <img src=\"\" class=\"avatar photo\" height=\"240\" width=\"240\" alt=\"站长\" color=\"#99CC66\" /> <img src=\"\" class=\"avatar photo\" height=\"240\" width=\"240\" alt=\"网\" color=\"#0D8ABC\" />
body {
font-family: \"Helvetica Neue\", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
pre {
margin: 20px 0;
padding: 20px;
background: #fafafa;
.avatar {
border-radius: 50%;
<script src=\"https://libs.baidu.com/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js \"></script>
/* * LetterAvatar * * Artur Heinze * Create Letter avatar based on Initials * based on https://gist.github.com/leecrossley/6027780 */
(function(w, d) {
function LetterAvatar(name, size, color) {
name = name || \'\';
size = size || 60;
var colours = [\"#1abc9c\", \"#2ecc71\", \"#3498db\", \"#9b59b6\", \"#34495e\", \"#16a085\", \"#27ae60\", \"#2980b9\", \"#8e44ad\", \"#2c3e50\", \"#f1c40f\", \"#e67e22\", \"#e74c3c\", \"#ecf0f1\", \"#95a5a6\", \"#f39c12\", \"#d35400\", \"#c0392b\", \"#bdc3c7\", \"#7f8c8d\"],
nameSplit = String(name).split(\' \'),
initials, charIndex, colourIndex, canvas, context, dataURI;
if(nameSplit.length == 1) {
initials = nameSplit[0] ? nameSplit[0].charAt(0) : \'?\';
} else {
initials = nameSplit[0].charAt(0) + nameSplit[1].charAt(0);
if(w.devicePixelRatio) {
size = (size * w.devicePixelRatio);
charIndex = (initials == \'?\' ? 72 : initials.charCodeAt(0)) - 64;
colourIndex = charIndex % 20;
canvas = d.createElement(\'canvas\');
canvas.width = size;
canvas.height = size;
context = canvas.getContext(\"2d\");
context.fillStyle = color ? color : colours[colourIndex - 1];
context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
context.font = Math.round(canvas.width / 2) + \"px Arial\";
context.textAlign = \"center\";
context.fillStyle = \"#FFF\";
context.fillText(initials, size / 2, size / 1.5);
dataURI = canvas.toDataURL();
canvas = null;
return dataURI;
LetterAvatar.transform = function() {
Array.prototype.forEach.call(d.querySelectorAll(\'img[alt]\'), function(img, name, color) {
name = img.getAttribute(\'alt\');
color = img.getAttribute(\'color\');
img.src = LetterAvatar(name, img.getAttribute(\'width\'), color);
img.setAttribute(\'alt\', name);
}; // AMD support if (typeof define === \'function\' && define.amd) { define(function () { return LetterAvatar; }); // CommonJS and Node.js module support. } else if (typeof exports !== \'undefined\') { // Support Node.js specific `module.exports` (which can be a function) if (typeof module != \'undefined\' && module.exports) { exports = module.exports = LetterAvatar; } // But always support CommonJS module 1.1.1 spec (`exports` cannot be a function) exports.LetterAvatar = LetterAvatar; } else { window.LetterAvatar = LetterAvatar; d.addEventListener(\'DOMContentLoaded\', function(event) { LetterAvatar.transform(); }); } })(window, document);
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